Date: Fir, Jan 22, 2023
Introducing Emirates Arabic Pro 6.0
Year of the Arabic Language
2013 Year of
the Arabic Language

Arabic Grammar In A Shell
Complete Summary of Arabic Grammar
for Intermediate and Advanced Students


Advance your Arabic language acquisition with this forty-four audio-visual, bilingual, rich study materials and examples with easy to follow grammar lessons, also featuring standard navigation and controls you find across the twenty-four layers of eArabic Pro 6.0 MSA software program.
Interface tools layout eArabic Pro 6.0

This a useful tool to review or to review Arabic grammar rules for sentence structuring, diagramming, words declension, and usage of special Particles in Arabic. This special window maybe useful for general review, or for test prior to taking a language proficiancy exam. Both students and teacher can benefit from the resources available in this section.